Roger Gittens Piano Neal Newton Bass



Roger Gittens Piano Neal Newton Bass

For the first time Barbados is represented on the UNESCO site as one of the many countries joining in a week of celebrations leading up to International Jazz Day on April 30th, 2013. This years’ celebration will be held in Istanbul, Turkey along with the 194 other countries who are participating in this world-wide celebration.

{FILE IMAGE - SFa Communications} International Jazz Day brings together communities, schools, artist, historians, academics and jazz enthusiast from all over the world to celebrate and learn about jazz and its roots, future and impact. For more information and the time of the events visit <>
{FILE IMAGE SFa Communications} International Jazz Day brings together communities, schools, artist, historians, academics and jazz enthusiast from all over the world to celebrate and learn about jazz and its roots, future and impact. For more information and the time of the events visit –

The Barbados Jazz Society has organized a week of great jazz, starting with a first for the island, a Jazzy Church Service featuring sacred Jazz Music at the Church of Christ the King in Rock Dundo, St. Michael on Sunday, April 21st. On Monday April 22nd a panel of celebrated Jazz stalwarts will discuss “The History of Jazz in Barbados“, followed by a Wine and Cheese reception and a film screening at the Morningside Campus of the Barbados Community College. Both events are free to the public. Kevin Farmer, Deputy Director of the Barbados Museum will be standing in for Ms. Alissandra Cummins, the Chairperson of UNESCO in Barbados, and will give the opening address at the Church Service and moderate the panel discussion.

A Jazz concert is featured at various venues around the island every night of the week, culminating in STEELPAN AND IVORY on April 30th at Divi Southwinds Beach Resort, featuring the Ebe Gilkes Trio with guest artist André Forde on pan. This concert will be streamed on the web, joining with the global activities that will be highlighted in Istanbul.

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