is sure having it rough… , he was conned of hard earned funds, now in trying to restore his monies, it seems he tried teaching but got a lesson on Manners instead? Never be a pig to a COW, no matter how provoked… Here’s what the says of the erstwhile Barbadian expatriate;-
(The) brother of supermodel, has been banned from his local polo club in Barbados.
He ran a polo school at the island’s Apes Hill Polo Centre, owned by property tycoon Sir Charles ‘Cow’ Williams.
Two of Princes William and Harry’s closest friends, Mark and Luke Tomlinson, play for the polo team founded by Sir Charles. But Jack fell out with Sir Charles’s wife, Mary-Ann.
‘Lady Williams is one of the most admired women on Barbados and Jack was very rude to her over a matter involving the polo set-up at Apes Hill,’ says a source. {Editor’s Note: Is she??}

‘Cow was not going to put up with that and he told Jack he is no longer welcome there.’
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