While a boost in crime for Barbados is marginal, it is still 2.4% upwards – according to Commissioner of Police, , who recently stirred British stumps with his view on the rape case where accused was acquitted mainly due to the two alleged victims’ intervention…

The Commissioner is of the view if Crawford was innocent, then why did he run? When finally located, Dottin added how Crawford went to great lengths to look different and live on another island, Dottin’s full response is here;-
2011 had 27 murders while 2012 was 6 less, this in Death Per Capita makes for 8 per 100,000 which compared with St Lucia’s 24 per 100,000 and Trinidad’s 27 per 100,000. Of Barbados’ 21 murders, 18 are solved and 3 have Significant progress. 6 of these 21 deaths involved firearms.
Dottin stated there were more Road fatalities than Murders in 2012, of the 27 Road Fatalities – Dottin added that Cellphone Usage and Road Rage were the main factors behind Fatalities.

He pointed out how Property Crime has risen by 2% with Cellphones and Jewellery; the Commissioner indicated the Cameras placed in Bridgetown, Worthing and along St Lawrence Gap have drastically reduced criminal activity…
As a result the Force is looking to add CCTV to Gibbs, Batts Rock and selected areas along the West Coast to continue driving down visitor-related crimes. The balance of highlights from Commissioner Dottin is in this video;-
from Rices, St Philip continues to evade Police custody; ‘s initial autopsy was inconclusive and with his family’s permission – an overseas pathologist was sought to redo the autopsy and official results are soon forthcoming. Dottin does not feel Barbados needs to review its Gun Laws so as to avoid becoming like since the Force is quite strict on who possesses firearms.

How does this gibe with who claims there was an incident at Parliament with involving an alleged ankle holster? If it is true, is this not an abuse of privilege and therefore if Dr Estwick possesses such a weapon, then should it not be confiscated forthwith?
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