Daily, as we observe nature at work, it is evident that we human beings have a lot to be thankful for, but are we? The ability to appreciate nature at work is of itself, one of the most powerful attributes given to mankind.
The wind and rain, the birds and bees, the flora and fauna, fowls and grazing animals, the different hues of the blue of the sea and the green of the plants are such at one and the same time a revealing and soothing sight that man ought to be required to take time out to bask in earth’s natural splendor, and truly appreciate the majesty and omnipotence of our God.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the senseless killings of men who momentarily lose their senses might be abated.
It may be asked, why has this New Year’s message begun like this? All that we can offer in reply is; it makes us acutely aware that as Caribbean people and as Barbadians, we really have a lot to be thankful for and we are resolved to encourage more persons to be thankful for these exceptional gifts from our Master.
As this message is penned, the world is beset by war and conflict, not only on the battlefields but in our economies and societies. How do we respond? Do we fight to the death, plunder and destroy or do we call a truce and negotiate a solution? Which do you prefer for the society and economy of Barbados? These are all questions that we are going to have to answer as we navigate the turbulent seas and air currents of 2013.
It is at these times that we will have to rely on our appreciation of the powerful works of the Master and to soak them all in. We must never aspire to destroy that which we cannot construct.
At the start of this New Year, we strongly urge all Barbadians to approach this year with a positive outlook, and to do so with the understanding that we are contributing to making this world a better place.
As President, I take the opportunity of this New Year’s message to wish all Barbadians a Healthy, Peaceful and Productive 2013 on behalf of the family of the Congress. Given the challenges that will daily face our society and economy, there is going to be much need for these attributes in the coming year.
When we speak of Peace, we make reference to societal and industrial peace; when we speak of Productivity, we make reference to those tangible actions and utterances in our homes, schools and workplaces that conduce to increased output and growth.
Many of our commentators speak of the financial and economic challenges; of unemployment and the awkwardness of making fundamental change given our fixed exchange rate anchor. These seem to be imponderables that require tough and painful measures to address as long as the world remains mired in its economic quicksand.
What then should be our response as a Nation? It is clear that as a people, we have to embrace the concept of “Transformation in our nation.”
That transformation has to come about in all of our institutions, be they private or public. We cannot afford the national malaise of standing around for the figurative “Michael Jordan” to dribble the ball and then pass it to us; we have to move from Defense to Offense.
That is why CTUSAB has joined with other like-minded institutions and persons in the private sector to forge an alliance whose objective is national transformation. We believe now more than ever that the Barbadian manager and worker have to be at their productive best, however, that productivity must be in the context of a national consensus and shared by all of the Social Partners.
CTUSAB believes that our nation has to come out of the pending national election, united on a clear set of objectives and goals whose aim is to ensure sustainable improvements and reforms in our society and economy.
As we stand at the entrance to the doorway of 2013, let us summon the national willpower to move forward in the unity of purpose to build a better Barbados.
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