TeleBarbados Agrofest

Agrofest becomes a Hotter Spot thanks to TeleBarbados

Agrofest becomes a Hotter Spot thanks to TeleBarbados

TeleBarbados Agrofest

With free WiFi Internet being one of today’s hot topics, the 2012 edition of Agrofest will for the first time feature free wireless internet coverage thanks to a recently concluded partnership with TeleBarbados.

Joseph Herdé, Vice President Sales & Marketing at TeleBarbados makes a presentation to Carlyle Brathwaite, President of the Barbados Agricultural Society (BAS) in recognition of their Bronze Sponsorship of the 2012 edition of Agrofest.

The preferred telecommunications service provider in Barbados for premium internet, voice, and data services, TeleBarbados has agreed to come on board as a Bronze Sponsor of the annual agricultural exhibition by providing a valued at $10,000.

Joseph Herdé, Vice President Sales & Marketing at TeleBarbados, said some may be wondering what the connection is between agriculture and the internet, but stated they would be surprised to know in some parts of the world, for example China, farmers represent the major driving force behind the growth of internet usage amongst their population:

Farmers, and agricultural enthusiasts alike, can learn all sorts of techniques and procedures online, from a multitude of online forums and special-interest groups. There is also the social networking interaction which allows for a tangible exchange of thoughts and ideas. Of course there is also the opportunity to expand one’s produce into regional and even international markets, via the internet. The only limits are the ones we impose upon ourselves.”

Agrofest is an exhibition produced by the Barbados Agricultural Society (BAS) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which presents patrons with a unique opportunity to experience all the facets of Barbados’ agricultural sector in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

The mandate of Agrofest is to sensitize Barbadians to the value of the agricultural sector, with a view to creating a society, which supports and appreciates the concept of food security, while recognizing the fact that the sustainability of this sector depends on the establishment of linkages with the other sectors of our economy. Agrofest seeks to strengthen links, which are vital in Barbados’ efforts at attaining food security through increased local food production, the reduction of a high food import bill and the enhancement of the quality of local food.

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