
Barbadian Photographer earns justified Kudos for his Unusual perspectives

Barbadian Photographer earns justified Kudos for his Unusual perspectives


Zemicon Gallery is no more, although I hear something new may be afoot – will keep a track on it… One of the last reviews I did featured a local shutterbug, , who seemed under siege at the time and in my daring to defend him I was suddenly questioned as to what qualifies me to review?

Assuming these are models, if either or both is married and not to each other? I'd hate to have to explain this shot, LOL!

{All artists (and politicians as well as yardfowls) do this, when you praise them you can do no wrong, yet the moment you dare say “WHY?” or whatever interjections appears appropriate then suddenly you are a villain, LOL!}

Well, they usually say prophets have no honour in their own land, in this case it was a photog who earned praise afar – was under scrutiny by in the online publication ““;-

… I think we’ll continue to see interesting work from him for years to come.

“What sort of influence do you think island living has on your work?

“Living in Barbados has made me more adventurous. I had lived in cities for 14 years before moving back. This put me in the mode, where I had to hunt down projects and do some exploring. There are many things to shoot here as well as a ton of inspiration to go around. You just have to meet the right people. That’s paramount to discovering the interesting stuff. I apply this approach to my work wherever I travel to.

In his typical manner, Mark did not title the piece and leaves the viewer to create their own story – or if they lack imagination to create a situation, to groan about it at the next "Meet The Artist" session?

“Being away from the major cities has allowed me to focus on developing my style without too many distractions. I’m always connected to the rest of the world, but you do get that feeling of isolation when you are surrounded by water and have to hop on a plane to travel most places.”

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