Jolly Roger 058

Barbadian Entrepreneur calls for Bridgetown Dry-dock to be included for World Heritage Status

Barbadian Entrepreneur calls for Bridgetown Dry-dock to be included for World Heritage Status

Jolly Roger 058 Much of the crew taking a well-deserved break while the vessel chugged along Carlisle Bay…

Seven years and anyone disappeared for that period can be considered legally dead; with 7 years the human body sloughs off the outer layer of skin and renews itself – it’s also the same period it took for to return to Barbados. It was found in Honduras as a floating bar half immersed in their quay with quite a few leaks and rescued from ignominy, then sailed to Jamaica for repairs, it is soon ready to bring on guests again… In fact there are plans to have this weekend!

After inspecting the "Jolly Roger" vessel and seeing what a great job was done in Jamaica, now back home in Barbados – passengers on board the original (yet sixth set of refurbishments) vessel were ferried along part of the Bajan coastline and paused outside of the Hilton which you can see on shoreside as many curious onlookers sought to figure out what happened?

The man who spearheaded the project to bring back a part of Bajan culture was Rally enthusiast, Martin Bynoe. Looking more like a great grandson of than a businessman (a connotation which enormously tickles him as his company is called ), we spoke to him shortly after the vessel reached the Careenage safely over the weekend.

Martin Bynoe, not frigged in the rigging, makes his way back on on fo'c'sle

The entrepreneur sees a need for Barbados to retain as much of its History and Culture as possible, he is having a proposal prepared for Government to review whereby the Drydock in the City can be made a Historical site {CLICK ON FOLLOWING LINK FOR FULL AUDIO};-

While the dock can never be fully operational like its glory days, Martin sees an opportunity whereby visitors can appreciate the rich history of Barbados’ maritime culture if it was transformed into a Museum.

Some of the happy folks on JR-6's safe return… You shoulda see the dancing, LOL!

Martin also explained while this is the sixth incarnation of the famous Party Cruise, it is officially named “” and he also gave a taste of how he came to save her {CLICK ON FOLLOWING LINK FOR FULL AUDIO};-

The vessel was made off the island of Grenada, and is actually in the vicinity of 35 years old!

This guy came prepared to celebrate hard!

As the vessel is very similar to a , all the leaks would be a much longer and far more arduous task, so while in Jamaica they used modern technology to restore the not only very well and be seaworthy again but to do so in as little time as possible, no mean feat since the boat was in repairs from about September 2010 {CLICK ON FOLLOWING LINK FOR FULL AUDIO};-

Heaving a vessel this size on to dry land is a serious challenge even in modern times, what was done is to put epoxy-resin of about .625 inches thick on the hull of the boat so as to provide proper safety and minimise maintenance.

I have such a sunburn on my face, thought it was due in by 11:00 am then was told 12 noon but Customs dragged it to 2:00 pm, oy! I have been rubbing Aloes cream like mad, face itching a storm!

I was one of the first people to try out JR-6 after its voyage home, take a look at the video above… The original game-plan was to have shanghai’ing, uh, boarding passengers, LOL! In the next fortnight, since most tests have been positive, they plan to do a trial run this weekend for Rally enthusiasts and to have a full run on Tuesday with visitors from Hotels – avast, ye hearties! Got yer sea-legs? Embark, if ye dare… Arrhh!

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3 responses to “Barbadian Entrepreneur calls for Bridgetown Dry-dock to be included for World Heritage Status”

  1. Flying Bajan Avatar
    Flying Bajan

    The christened name of the boat as far as I know is Jolly Roger 1, not Jolly Roger VI.

  2. AirBourne Avatar

    When you go inside the bar on the lower deck, one of the rafters lists its “incarnation” like this is the 6th renovation but the official name is One, and it is the original vessel here years ago but it’s like how your family knows you under one name and your friends know another name is to call you by…

  3. Parrothead forever Avatar
    Parrothead forever

    My brother and I sailed on board years ago. We got totally wasted. That cruise made my day. You can not imagine just how much time I had spent for this info! Thanks!

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