“We went back to {Lexy’s.} If the fishermen doing ballroom dancing was surreal, the Texan line dancing to calypso was even more so. We kept thinking it was a one-off routine and soon someone would break ranks and “” would start. But for an hour while the DJ treated us to songs like “Wait Fuh Me Gryner Baby, Wait Fuh Me” the dancers never stopped their country line routine. True they managed to add a little West Indian hip thing in there somewhere, but the essence of line dancing remained completely intact.”
- – Ingrid Persaud

If you recall, back in 2008 I had a semi-controversial review where I compared what was then Waterhall, it’s now rebranded to Apes Hill, and found it lacking when juxtaposed to Lion Castle – in the midst of it , whose booming tenor is heard on Barbadian radio stations touting Colombian Emeralds and on TV at WSEE promoting the joys of steak at Lucky Horseshoe (This is ironic as he has his own eatery, it’s like John “Big John’s” Naime did a Testimonial for Chefette), had cussed me for not visiting yet…

He can’t cuss no more, LOL! I was there mere hours ago, this is an initial review – yet to try the Menu… So there will be a sequel! Quite an in-crowd is hovering about the bar. saw Bajan polo-player Roddy “Hot Dawg” Davis’ daughter knocking back a Margarita or Mojito and Steve George (ex-partner for the former ) was visiting the island – he’s got a successful gaming establishment in his native India; also dusting the linoleum at Lexy’s was who is part of Cheshire’s deadly Chukka crew, but the mallet arm was used for swinging booze that night instead.

is tucked in the corner right in front of Mango Bay when you meander through Holetown’s side streets which are diagonally opposite the . It is a cove for vampires, it opens from 5:30 pm and did not close that night ’til 2:00 am!

In right now is Frankie G. from Tennessee and Jason Libs, who will be shredding 2010 and leaking 2011 for all of Barbados come December 31, and if you head to and use the promotional code of when registering, this allows a discount of $50 Bds off per couple! Your New Year’s with Lexy allows you to stay for the 2nd Street Old Year’s Party and have safe parking and a chance at some Alaskan King Crab cakes!
The crowd at Lexy was quite raucous that night, Frankie G. from Tennessee had ’em hopping – “Big, Bad Leroy Brown,” Trammp’s “Disco Inferno,” plus Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Rod Stewart and some Elton John among many other medleys… But the man Lexy himself did not entertain that night (He had an important flight out next day) and so the crowd gave a small grouchy sussurus when he declined to appear… Frankie G. and the bar had a clever way of inviting Lexy, they sang “” except Alice was now changed to Alex, LOL!
They hit the chorus with the new lyrics quite a few times ’til peeped from behind his the portal of his inner Sanctum and quietly said “Not tonight, fellas.” That’s when patrons groaned, but they remained at Lexy’s and did not thin out until about two…

Lexy is a place where you are very likely to see a Hollywood celebrity letting their hair down and just chillaxing or even one of them will have a messenger fetch some Prime Rib for them to gnash while watching the waves lap Barbados’ western shoreline.
So now the Christmas rush is through, why not go West youngster, and not only tell Lexy that the sent you – but use the handy code and take two not one? 2nd Street in Holetown won’t be the same without you!
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