Bank Robbery In Barbados – Salary Gone: Who’s Liable?

Bank Robbery In Barbados – Salary Gone: Who’s Liable?


RBC-RBTT-002The title is an attention grabber and only refers to a hypothetical situation, what if you went to the bank to cash your wages (it’s a cheque and yes, some places still do that even in this day and age, rather than a simple direct deposit) but just as you put the money in your wallet/purse a robbery ensues and you like living, so you hand over the loot, but your bills are unpaid that month as the thief gets away – so who owes you?Finance (2)

Did a check with three institutions and spoke with key personnel about the scenario… At Scotiabank, an official there says if the victim is on site and had not left the building, then they would compensate. However, if the victim was attacked in the car park and about to enter their own vehicle, then the plight is their own lookout.

At First Caribbean, they seem a bit more guarded of their own interests – the authority in this case stated bluntly the recovery is at the customer! Does the employer reimburse?Scotia-Hastings

For this answer I called at the Fair Trading Commission as it is a consumer concern. They were very helpful and routed me to a member who stated that since the victim is technically under a bank’s protection then that institution should recompense not the employer, they even argued further that the parking lot falls under the bank as well and even if a body is held up outside then it still falls to that financial entity to safeguard their customers’ rights.

So this may not be much consolation if you’re out of pocket, but it seems you’re better off getting robbed at Scotiabank and if at any other facility, use the Fair Trading Commission to ensure the recovery of your hard-earned funds, LOL!

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2 responses to “Bank Robbery In Barbados – Salary Gone: Who’s Liable?”

  1. jdid Avatar

    Interesting. To extend that question further. Supposed you were in the bank and hadnt gotten any money or paid any bills yet but the money you had on you to pay the bills was taken from you during a robbery, will or is the bank supposed to cover you?

  2. jesse-james not bullock Avatar
    jesse-james not bullock

    In my honest opnion that although it was obviously a researched article I still feel there were still points to be explained. I would like to hear your thoughts, and that of your other readers and whether or not they disagree. Cheers

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