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Ice Hockey In Barbados 2009 – The night when the Sens got blown by the Maple Leafs

Ice Hockey In Barbados 2009 – The night when the Sens got blown by the Maple Leafs

WSEE 001

I finally watched my first complete Hockey match at Bert’s about a week ago, and just got the chance to compile my thoughts for this game… It was the Maple Leafs versus Ottawa Senators, their owner Eugene Melnyk was there that night as WSEE was there acquiring video footage for a new spot for their channel.

Not until the end of the game did I learn that Canadian hockey is three Intermissions not four quarters like Soccer, US Football or Basketball and most other sports. So the first portion I found the defense tight on both sides initially, and when they went to commercials it was nil-all by First Intermission.

I found it intriguing that all three Sports Anchors, who were analysing the first portion, not a one had on a tie – even the eldest of the bunch you figured may be an Old School diehard.

During the second portion, Bert’s was pandemonium to one side as Maple Leafs’ Kuba scored at 17:45 approx. for first blood in that match – it was very clear who were Sens and who hailed from Toronto!

Sens’ No 39 (Did not get the name) was sent to the Penalty box for pummelling Maple Leafer #28 Orr down to the ground! This frustration was unnecessary as #12 Foligno evens the score to make for One-All by 6:48 in the 2nd Portion.

Maple Leafs did not sit well with that, and #81 Kessel brought back favour by scoring their next goal at 5:54… Needless to say, you could not hear the commercials for Kingdom Come in that break with all that ruckus!

This was the Maple Leaf Territory at Bert's
This was the Maple Leaf Territory at Bert's

For the final portion, action was like after an all-night session of enchiladas at a Mexican restaurant – hot and heavy – the Sens’ Spezza (#19) tied again at 18:47 but Hagman from the blues (Maples’ #9) boosted it at 3 to 2 in the Maple Leafs’ favour.

The last puck was keenly debated but the referee says the stick of Winchester (Sens’ #28) was over the line and therefore “No Goal” much to the chagrin of the Sens’ Army – Eugene wasn’t too chirpy either. I saw Spezza limping off the ice but no one seemed to know how or when that happened.

Here's the Ottawa side where the Sens held sway in Rockley that night, all shot by WSEE
Here's the Ottawa side where the Sens held sway in Rockley that night, all shot by WSEE

I must say Hockey seems to be truly Canadian – much the same way the Brazilians regard Soccer or how Aussies, Brits, Pakistanis, Indian & Caribbean all view cricket as their personal religion. Matches with the Sens are slated for tonight, 23rd, Boxing Day and 28th. They’re due to tackle Bruins, Penguins and Canadiens among others…

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One response to “Ice Hockey In Barbados 2009 – The night when the Sens got blown by the Maple Leafs”

  1. Abbeville Avatar

    Good article, but Kuba plays for Ottawa, not T.O., and no.39 is Matt Carrtner, and T.O’s 28 Orr is their supposed tough guy and Matt dropped him with a beautiful right reversed uppercut!
    Well done.

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