Join the silent picket on Friday, July 17th, in front of the Lagoon Park at 7.45 a.m.
Please note the photos of users of the Lagoon Park and shore.THIS is what we are seeking to protect.
It may not seem much to some people but this is what the community has and wants to protect. Why must our governments make deals with rich investors (blue chip though they may be) and DEPRIVE the community of the right to enjoy its assets. Camper and Nicholson has alternatives including barges!!
Let us ask our government and our regulators to –
Stop treating our people as though they were invisible!!
Let us stand up for Grenada!!
Citizens in Defence of Grenada?s Lands and Heritage reiterates its position that there should be no backfilling from the Lagoon shore outwards or fencing of the area. It is our view that the Camper and Nicholson marina development project can proceed without interference to the Lagoon Park and the Lagoon shore ? either backfilling or fencing. Camper and Nicholson have alternatives available including use of its property or use of a barge to facilitate its construction operations.
The impasse that has arisen is the result of a FLAWED APPROVAL PROCESS and we rather disturbed by the fact that our traditional users appeared to have been INVISIBLE to our regulators and leaders. As those in authority continue to talk about finding a solution for the boat owners and the fishermen, the Lagoon Road ? Belmont community remains invisible. Everyone appears to be DISMISSING the right of the Lagoon Road ? Belmont area and the public in general to the use of Park as a recreation area. This area is particularly significant since other community facilities, including the Ballast Ground playing field, was destroyed.
We continue to challenge Camper and Nicholson?s claim to ownership of the Lagoon Park and we wait on our government to keep its election promise and disclose to the people WHO/WHAT sold our Lagoon Park, to whom its was sold and for how much. We are very much interested in knowing how that money was accounted for.
We invite members of the public to join our SILENT PICKET on Friday, July 17th at 7.45 a.m. in front of the Lagoon Park.
Protect our Lagoon Park!
Protect our Lagoon Shore!!Citizens in Defence of Grenada?s Lands and Heritage
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