Yet, apart from that, as we all know I present Lottery but it’s my aim to please the owners, not Kingsley, right? Yet he chooses to display the following on Facebook, granted this wannabe Blackwell has the right to share his views, but he should expect responses (Thorne had so many typos I had to correct, someone really needs to show him the Spell-Check button) –
Kingsley Thorne 2008 review part 2
Beauty Category
Most Sexiest Males (Barry Nicholls, Rah Armstrong, George Pilgrim, Alpha Jackman, Michael Allenby, Russell Ruck)Sexiest Females (Tracey Archer, Shoran Ward, Betty West, Alyson Hinds, Shelly Williams, Jenny Armstrong)
Entertainment CategoryWorst Dressed Marketing Manager Female (Ingrid from Krosfyah)
Worst Dressed Marketing Manager Male (Dwayne Gazettes – Jabae)
Worst Dressed Show Coordinator (Kofi Branch) No Females in this CategoryRadio Category
Most Talked about Radio Personality
Hurricane, DJ Carlos, Jon Doe, Admiral Nelson, Mark Williams
Worst Radio Presenter (De Azam Boss)
Best 1 HR Programme
De Azam Boss
P Boyce
Club Xtreme
Night Club CategoryBest Night Club (Taboo, Club Xtreme, Ship Inn, Club NXS)
Best Sunday Lime (Carib Beach Bar, Harbour Lights, Mojo’s)
Catwalk Category
Worst Catwalk Model Female (Amanda Bowen; Male – Chris Goodridge)
Calypso Tents Category
Best Calypso Tent Bacannal Time
Lowest attended Tent Super Gladiators Roy ByerBand leaders
Worst Dressed Female Rose-ann Lewis
Male Anwar MahanadiBand leader of the Year
Richard Haynes BAJE
Power X 4Betty West
Individual Categories
Woman of the year (Mia Mottley)
Man of the year (David Thompson)Best Dressed Female politician
BLP – Billie Miller
DLP – Maxine McClean
Best Dressed Males
BLP – Noel Lynch
DLP – Richard Sealy
Magazine Category
Caribbean Bride
Island CoutureShow Category
Best Music Event (The Barbados Music Awards)
Best Pageant (Miss Big & Beautiful)
Pageants in need of improvementMiss Holetown
Miss Teen Universal
Miss Ositins
Shows that will make you commit suicide or have a comaHip Hop Festival
Sprite of the Nation Show
Explosion By Sparkles
Show with a difference (BOUiK–By Toni Thorne)Models and Agents Category
Most Develop Female Model Julie-ann Durant and Sherry-ann Fung-a-fat
Male Model Raymond Ward and Corrie GoodridgeModel Agency with a Differences (Mystical touch) Troy Arthur-Slaw
News Paper Category
Best Sunday Editorial: (Sheri Holder) Easy
Best Friday Editorial: Nigel Wallace – HelloWorst and Painful editorial to read on Sunday: (the Social Scene)
Worst Dressed Mega 6 Presenter (Ian Bourne) male and female Portia Blackman
Best Dressed: Mark Anthony – Male and Female – Sophia Cambridge
Best MC on Stage Females (Margret Allman-Goddard & Cassandra Crawford)
Male (Wayne “Kool” Simmons & Pearson Bowen)
Ladies Of Class (Lady Sella St John, Marva Manning, Billy Miller, Carol Cadogan-Fox)
Men of Class (Steve Blackett, Bizzy Williams, Ralph Taylor, Ralph Thorne)
But I mean really, what is so special about Kingsley Thorne anyway? Ladies, would you be caught dead in THIS outfit?
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