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Defeating racism in Barbados – A Canadian Investor’s perspective

Defeating racism in Barbados – A Canadian Investor’s perspective

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While he may be no connection to Verdun House, we do have some words from the investor who shares the same patronym, he is doing a sequel to the accusation of racism at hotels (I know of one grand institution where those in charge seemed not to know who their own guests were, and when the Bajan Yankee/black children ordered macaroni, then the same senior personnel asked why Barbadians were being served – the parents were told and got so angry, that all 30 of the contingent up and shifted to Accra), and Mr Verdun has a speech at the end of the week lined up, if you have the time, it may be worth your while –

I will be the guest speaker this Friday, April 25, at the regular weekly DLP luncheon. I hasten to make the point that I am non-partisan. I had started working with the previous Government and am privileged to advance my efforts with a new DLP Government that has shown strong interest in solving this nation’s problems and achieving the true potential of Barbados.

Please join me at the “Errol Barrow Gallery“, DLP Headquarters, ‘Kennington‘, George Street, Belleville, St. Michael. My topic will be: “With effective Government policies, middle-class Barbadians can own and control brand-name beach-front hotels.” The optional lunch (wonderful Bajan cuisine) is available from 12:30 pm and the lecture will start at 1:00 pm.

My presentation is a follow-up from my well-received column in The Nation on March 23: Racism in our hotels.

Bob Verdun

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One response to “Defeating racism in Barbados – A Canadian Investor’s perspective”

  1. Jdid Avatar

    sounds like it could be interesting. I’ve had the typical bajan black experience at a few of those places

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