LOL, gotcha! Near as I can make it – Sylvain Brothers have donated a Solar Lamp to the mayor in Tabarre, Haiti…
This is the original info –
La mairie de tabarre a recu un don d’une lampe de rue a energie solaire des freres Sylvain (Green Energy Solution, SA).
Cette lampe se trouve a carrefour claircine devant le commisariat de police de tabarre en construction. Nous profitons pour dire un grand merci aux freres Sylvain pour leur apport au developpement de cette commune.Bonne annee 2008, a tous et a toutes.
The reply was a good few days in coming –
My english is not that good.
The Sylvain brothers from (Green Energy Solution, SA) gave as a gift, a street lamp with solar energy to the Mayor’s Office in Tabarre, Haiti. We take this opportunity to thank the Sylvain brothers.
They did wish everyone not a HAPPY new year but rather a HEALTHY one; anyways – Nice to see that not everything in Haiti is chaos & turmoil! This last picture below I think is to show the power of its illumination, but you can’t help but notice how ubiquitous Digicel is nowadays!
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