It’s been a while since I tracked what Barbadian or Caribbean activities were happening Netwise and I decided to make up for lost time – there’s been much going on… I got a heads-up on the following site from one of my contacts in Hi5 and was amazed but not in a nice way!
There is a plan to introduce a new animated series in Trinidad & Tobago for early 2008, called Trini-Turtle it appears to be a series of environmental adventures. This is cool, it seems real slick with Flash and pan music greeting you. However, I do have a problem – What has me is one of the villains appears to be a white guy from some rich part of TT – this is as dumb as that spammer on Free Press who equates caucasianity as synonymous with Satanity, really and truly I wish all of the races on this planet were so mixed no one could tell who is a pure this or that!
Anyway if you are a right thinking unbiased soul then alert Trini-Turtle’s forum and say one white boy does not a villain make.
I mean how often do we in the Caribbean get sick of seeing US or UK shows where black folk are either unwed and pregnant or armed either looking to do drugs, sell drugs or both – maybe even all of the above!
If we do not wish to abide by such arrant assumptions (to use the word STEREOTYPING is inaccurate as this would mean there is a form of genuine credence to such notions) then we must make ourselves felt equally and on all levels and therefore I encourage all good ppl to go on Trini-Turtle‘s forum and object!
Here in Barbados, it seems there are also environmental projects up and running but of a more magnanimous nature…
It seems Counterpart Caribbean finally acted on my advice and got their website up, hope they update it often – we’ll be checking, LOL! Here is part of their objectives, it’s bit long but rather worth it –
Our aim is to educate the people of Barbados, primarily young persons, of the importance of our holistic environment and its resources for our children, grandchildren and their grandchildren. These times of controversial issues on the possible human impacts on climate change, oil price fluctuations, worldwide atmospheric pollution and its consequences etc, highlight the necessity for holistic environmental education to increase awareness. This is achieved through visits to our Centre which offers tours, demonstrations, display models, and through presentations to schools as a few examples.
Barbados, the eastern most isle of the Caribbean, is a fragile island where tourism is fast becoming our mainstay industry. Appreciation of all that we have to offer must not only hold strong for the wellbeing of tourism but more importantly for the welfare and happiness of its people.
In addition, Welshman Hall Gully has a sub-site of the Tourism Authority and is definitely geared towards eco-tourism…
The Gully was once part of a plantation owned by a Welshman called General William Asygell Williams over 200 years ago. Hence the name “Welchman Hall” gully. It was this man who first developed the gully with exotic trees and an orchard. Interestingly, the grapefruit is originally from Barbados and is rumoured to have started in Welchman Hall Gully.
There is also a large nutmeg walk; exotic and native palms section and an ornamental section to the gully. You can also walk through the native section of the gully. The gully is ? of a mile long.
The Gully was bought by the Barbados National Trust in 1962, and was their first property. They continued to develop the gully by adding more exotics trees and ornaments, and by putting in a path through the middle of the gully, making it easier to access by more people.
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