I have had a standing invite from Phil Archer to pass back once again at Mojo’s on Monday nights with various acts laying down their groove, I took a week of vacation to celebrate my birthday (Yes, that’s why the erratic updates, – I have been living it up, okay? So sue me), and learned Alex Cummins of Garlex fame was having a solo gig but with guest performances…
Mojo’s – you may recall in late January, was in trouble with a few neighbours who figure when you move less than the denizens of Westbury Cemetery then you’re making the right amount of noise. When the RBPF realised the complainants were more nuisances than the events being fussed over, soon the law re-prioritised their courtesy calls for the rest of the Worthing district.
Anyway, Alex was great – he has a more international flavour to his voice than Garvy, in fact – he assayed a few of Bruce Springsteen’s songs and more than succeeded in delivering them to an appreciative audience.
He also finally explained the origin of his original composition “Vaseline” a humourous song about masturbation – it seems he and two other buddies got to darting each other to do a song about any topic in five minutes, he got “choking your chicken” and was the only fellow brave enough to follow through!
That was not his only original tune, he also played “Surrounded” inspired by his love for his fiance Amanda Hoyos. Very touching, a light breezy yet powerful arrangement, wonderful!
When he took a breather, one of the guest artistes popped in and did a stint… Scott from Driftwould, who almost immediately started with an original composition on the dangers of parking out, it seems a guy was in a car with this gal and when she did not get what she wanted she accused the fellow of rape and the guy damn near did time! The crowd was cracking up!
We noticed there were quite a few occasions when Garvy seemed to be offering advice to Alex, but to me it seemed to interrupt his flow, and sure enough during intermission we heard one of his fans ask him if it was his (Cummins’) show or Garvy’s? When he came back for the next portion of his slot, he seemed to be delivering with more vigour, as I am sure the fan’s concern boosted his confidence.
We wish him and Amanda well in the next few days, he is going to audition some gigs and album work over in Minnesota, it’s about time!
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