If you throw your minds back to July, you’ll recall there was a poetry-slam-rock gig with DJ Simmons, at the same show during intermission, we bought a copy of Sandra “Seawoman” Sealy’s “Beauty Of The Bald Head“
I do remember in responding to a comment somewhere in this Blog that I pledged a review of the disk, so here it is way overdue!
Originally done in 2003 with little public fanfare – Both selections by way of delivery seem very spur of the moment and/or stream of consciousness to me – however, the sensuality is not in the title track. Sandra seems rather self conscious using the word “breasts” when she imagines placing a guy’s shaved pate between her mounds of glory, in my view if you do get kicks out of doing that then you should be able to speak on it matter of factly or not at all!
(I thought of shaving my head years ago for that very reason, but I was told by a female companion of the day, that I may be confused with a member of the medical fraternity who looks like me if bald yet he is said to not be interested in being in close proximity to females – she added I may be accosted by those of the same persuasion as he, so I forebore the desire)
The sax played on the 2-track disk was laid out by Chris Harper, he seems to be leaning towards an Arturo Tappin-sort of style.
The real sensuousness as I was mentioning just now, can be found in Sea Jazz, with backing vocals from Tamara Marshall. It was recorded at Kolaiah Studios at Roebuck Street in the City, while the album was produced by Butterfly Creative Productions of Fitts Village, St James; I strongly suspect there were only two tracks due to costs, so if Sandra is reading this, then she can elucidate and update me on this one.
As a gift for the upcoming holidays, this is a sweet stocking stuffer in spite of the hiccups, remember, this is a debut effort from 4 years back and must be viewed within that context! Plus ca change, plus c’est-la meme chose, n’est-ce pas?
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