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British Conservationists fear extinction with sale of Graeme Hall Bird Sanctuary

British Conservationists fear extinction with sale of Graeme Hall Bird Sanctuary

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Those of you who follow Barbadian blogs will know that one of the Barbados Free Press‘ pet peeves apart from Islam is the future of the Graeme Hall Swamp (But why is it spelt that way? Not Graham instead!) and now UK aviary oglers (bird-watchers) have decided to step in the fray…

Their belief is that the impending sale of one of the last genuine pieces of Barbadiana will lead to mismanagement of the eco-system currently under impeccable control

Conservationists have expressed concern at the sale, and are urging priority be given to buyers with ecologically sound credentials and intentions; rather than sale for a ?monoculture theme park? as some fear, that has little consideration for species conservation.

More than 85 bird species have been found at Graeme Hall Swamp, including Caribbean Coot Fulica caribaea, and the mangroves and environs of the swamp harbour the highest density of the endemic race of Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia on Barbados. Three other Lesser Antilles endemic species occur (Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Green-throated Carib and Barbados Bullfinch). The permanent wetland is also critical habitat for migrant and vagrant waterbirds.

Isn’t it sad a consortium can be cobbled to prevent a local company going foreign and when a similar opportunity appears to keep land Barbadian and for use of a not necessarily commercial purpose then rich Bajans of whatever complexion couldn’t be bothered? Choopz!

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One response to “British Conservationists fear extinction with sale of Graeme Hall Bird Sanctuary”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    The Friends of Graeme Hall Choo Choo Gravy Train Committee ( At taxpayors expense of course ) will say and do anything to rob this land from the Bajan people. We need healthcare, housing and education as our priority. Your viewpoint is for the birds !!! You are flogging a dead horse. Go in peace and R.I.P.. The SWAMP will continue to do just fine regardless.

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