Apr11Main Guard 05

The Coast Is Clear: Art At The Main Guard of Barbados, Pt 5/5

The Coast Is Clear: Art At The Main Guard of Barbados, Pt 5/5

Apr11Main Guard 05

Local textile designer Catharine Cummins is a newcomer to the fine arts scene of Barbados, samples of her work can be seen at the Hilton Barbados – but this time you can see more of her work over at the Garrison.

She spent quite a while in London being constrained to a fairly strict design format, so now she is thrilled to be busy painting in totally different methods.

Travel heavily influences her work as well as living in a tropical environment; this is obvious with her use of palm leaves and hibiscus blooms, African and Hawaiian themes, and her love of colour.

Remember, you gotta head out to the Main Guard before the 22nd rolls about, all sales have ten per cent saved towards the Barbados Poppy League to assist old veterans!

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