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Good Clean Fun as Barbados Observes Earth Day – Ship Inn & C*A*R*E help Bajan environment (Shameless Plug)

Good Clean Fun as Barbados Observes Earth Day – Ship Inn & C*A*R*E help Bajan environment (Shameless Plug)

GoogleEarth bb CARE
On the morning of Sunday April 22nd (“Earth Day“) Barbadians are invited to help ‘CARE of Barbados‘ to clean up the final mile of beach stretching from Morgan Lewis to Foster’s Funland.

Subject to turnout, teams will also be deployed to maintain the six miles from Joe’s River which has already been cleared. Please meet across the road from ‘Santosha‘ by 8:00 am if you wish to catch the early shuttle to the North end of the beach. Bags and gloves will be provided and there will be refreshments afterwards as usual. Also, lessons in rowing will be given using a Plexiglas dinghy on Long Pond. Andrew Simpson – Main Co-ordinator of C*A*R*E says if people own or know where to borrow a boat, canoe or kayak then they’re welcome to bring it along.

Children’s Action Rescues Environment” is a growing force in the fight against unsustainable environmental practices. On Sunday March 11th, forty volunteers picked up over four hundred bags of beach litter from two miles of Barbados’ widest beach. Meeting at the end of the east coast road, groups were shuttled to various points North and South of the windswept Long Pond area.

They then worked their way back to the Outdoor Clubhouse for lemonade, mauby and freshly baked Bowling Alley salt breads were served with peanut butter and homemade guava jelly. Kristen O’Neale of The St. Winifred’s Brownies found a treasure capsule worth $100 sponsored by The Ship Inn and donated it to pack funds.

Harry Shepherd and Daniel Skeete also made off with a bounty. A contingent from The United States Embassy which sponsors the activities also joined the hunt. Thanks to Peter Banfield, Landmark Nurseries and Allan Kinch for trucks to collect and transport materials to the landfill.

Drums donated by Chemical Industries are converted to litter bins with a clean message and placed to reduce litter that might otherwise be left on the beaches.

It is worthy to note that a small component of the debris is from faraway lands and some is generated by marine activities but the majority originates inland where it is indiscriminately left to be washed by rains through gullies into the coastal zone.

CARE is appealing to the public to “keep our island clean“. Please send any ideas / suggestions you may have to –

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