bajan reporter greatpumpkin

Barbadian Political Strategist thinks he can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat despite his track record (Follow-Up)

Barbadian Political Strategist thinks he can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat despite his track record (Follow-Up)

bajan reporter greatpumpkin

Hartley Henry now getting his name called correctly over in Bermuda is still spinning for the opposition UBP but it’s kind of like Linus with the Great Pumpkin in Peanuts, despite his knowing and everyone else fully aware that the UBP‘s chances are rather slender for winning Bermuda‘s next elections – he still hangs around in the pumpkin-patch known as Hamilton hoping against hope.

He said the next election would be a referendum on whether the ruling PLP “has achieved what it set out to achieve.”

Mr. Henry has been advising the UBP for the last year. Looking south for advice from political strategist is a first for the UBP, which looked to the U.S. for help during its 30 years as the ruling party. He was willing to be interviewed by the Bermuda Sun after an anonymous letter leaked to the newspaper spoke of what it said were three election losses in the Caribbean for Mr. Henry’s clients, most recently in Turks and Caicos. Mr. Henry said he was not a campaign consultant for the losing party in Turks and Caicos or in St. Lucia, although he has been a consultant in previous elections.

Henry also denied the UBP is racial and declared that new members had joined who were black but he did not qualify by either identity nor number of applicants. Isn’t that reaction kinda like when Linus is confronted about how many other people have seen the Great Pumpkin?

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One response to “Barbadian Political Strategist thinks he can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat despite his track record (Follow-Up)”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Let's not forget his astounding loss in on May 20th Grand Cayman where the PPM lost after four short years. One may argue that he won the the 2005 election, but he was never on island to advise the party during that campaign and at that the the PPM could have done nothing and won that campaign since everyone was just fedup with the UDP and McKeeva Bush. But tell me how, a party sweeps to victory, taking 10 of 15 seats in 2005 and after doing so much for the country walks away with a meagre five seats just four short years later. Only the GREAT Hartley Henry cold accomplish that. Perhaps he needs to focus on his work and leave the women alone.

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