Betty West

Bds Music Awards: great concept but poor execution

Bds Music Awards: great concept but poor execution

Betty West

The Barbados Music Awards is a way overdue idea, HOWEVER, the Arturo Tappin fiasco of giving then taking back a trophy has opened many worms out of the proverbial can… Having Owen Arthur as a patron should not shield a body from crap if it is feces they doing in public and trying to sell it as gold, eh?

Who were the judges? What criteria were involved in reaching a decision? Who were the accountants used to tabulate results? What methods were employed to ensure diplomacy, secrecy and validity of all final tallies?

I posed these questions when writing for the Advocate in 2006, this was when Paul Thorne got nominated twice in one category at debut and won, and shortly thereafter the column?s plug was yanked vigorously and without ceremony! I am sure Arturo Tappin agrees with me on this one… QUOTE:Who were the accountants used to tabulate results? Why were envelopes just folded into flaps and not sealed like in other awards ceremonies?

H?Mmmm? Olympus advertises heavily in Advocate and Ronnie Morris writes for Olympus? Limelight newsletter – I suppose there?s no connection, huh? Just paranoia? Oh, wait, isn?t Olympus a main sponsor of the BMA which in turn is run by Ronnie Morris? Timeless?

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One response to “Bds Music Awards: great concept but poor execution”

  1. Bajpryde Avatar

    I can see that very little has changed since I left Barbados to live in the US some years ago. Many Bajans are still like crabs in a bucket, and everyone has an opinion, but very few actually get up and do what is necessary.

    I was encouraged by a friend to fly all the way back to Barbados just to see the Barbados Music Awards, and all I can say is I was definitely not disappointed.

    I was amazed at the quality of the show, and the fact that, unlike similar events in the States, there was no stopping and starting, it ran like a concert. Therefore I can understand if there is one mix-up in envelopes or something, because they just ran the show straight. I think it’s commendable that they only had that one hiccup!

    As for Rupee, or any other nominees who did not attend the event, shame on them! I understand that they may feel insulted or overlooked due to allegedly not being invited, according to the people here, but the young people behind this event must have been swamped, and the least they could (the nominees) could have done, was to pick up the phone, call the organizers, and double-check on their invites.

    Has Rupee’s head swollen to the point where he, or his representatives can’t pick up a phone and ask a question? To wait until after the event, to try to pull down something which is the only real event set up to honour the entertainers in Barabdos, is SHAMEFUL! Especially since in two years he has won so many of them.

    As to you, Mr. Bourne… why do you have so much to say now? Did you offer to assist the event’s organizers prior to the event? Did you communicate with them to let them know how you feel about what they are doing instead of going into a public forum and pulling it down? Everyone has an opinion…I remember coming home for Crop Over a few years ago and seeing you on the news, and I was like…”why the hell is this guy on my TV?” Barbados is the land of opportunity, and you know as well as I do that someone of your physical stature or lack thereof, and appalling, sloppy posture and lack of natural fluency in speaking, can only be a news anchor in this 166 square miles, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that view,since you were fired from that job, maybe for that very same reason…I don’t know!

    We need, as black people, and as Barabdians, try to be uplifting towards each other. What those guys are doing is amazing, and this is only the second year. Can you imagine when they work out the kinks what that show will be like in ten years?


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